By Sameep Shah
Kids love the game of baseball as they love hitting a home run and their personal baseball glove. Baseball has many tricks and tips which can improve playing. These tricks or strategies can be used to win the game. They require team effort so contribution from all players is a must. As kids love this sport there is no problem of team spirit. Stealing base strategy can be used in a game play. For this you need to practice it first and then apply it in the game. Training is important as you get to know how every move should be made while playing baseball. Here you can afford to make mistakes as correction of that move can be done. Staying fit and healthy is the key to good training.
Stealing basis is a secret strategy it should be known between the batter and the runner only. Well this drill should be performed unknowingly. You should be able to steal a base when it's the right time. When the pitcher is busy in pitching or when he is not concentrating on the game you can run up to the next base. This is required to be done with high speed running. You should be able to reach the second base without being tagged. It is difficult at times but as you practice it in your training it will be easy. Stealing bases required good running skills. If you are slow in it then there are chances where you can get tagged. Just when you think the pitcher is not looking at you make your move immediately. In this act you can complete a home run too.
If you are there on third base then sprinting to the fourth base without being tagged will be a good move. Here you will get a run complete. This is done when you know the batter is going to bunt. This is the time when the ball is not going to go long enough for a full run. This is a confusing trick at times as the pitcher can directly throw at the base where you need to run. Baseball has many tricks like these which are confusing but if practiced with the right help then it is easy to use them in a match. Stealing bases is a famous trick performed by many professionals. It also shows that the Pitcher is not concentrating on the game.
For more information visit Sportscapers University at Houston youth football - You can also find more information and online training videos to help you improve your skills at Katy youth football.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sameep_Shah
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I agree you need to practice as a team to coordinate between hitter and runner as you try to steal bases. Thank you very much for the advice. Baseball Training