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Kids Baseball - Coach the Fundamentals of Throwing and Catching By Kenny Buford
When coaching kids' baseball, an important first step is identifying the mechanical elements of each skill and then using that knowledge to teach the fundamentals of the game. Most beginning players will not know the proper technique for gripping, throwing, and catching the ball. Establishing these skills early will ensure players feel more confident and have fun playing the game.
Proper Grip
Start by teaching how to grip the ball:
For proper grip, the ball should only contact the fingers and thumb, not the palm of the hand. However, because beginning players' hands are often small, they might have to use their whole hand in the grip. Players should grip the ball across the seams, with their fingers spread over the top of the ball and their thumb positioned on the bottom. Those with big enough hands should use only the index and middle fingers, while those with smaller hands can use three fingers to grip the ball across the top. As the grip is released, players should focus on keeping the fingers directly behind the ball. Following through with the fingers after the throw will increase the velocity of the ball.
Throwing Fundamentals
Next, coach proper throwing technique for a basic overhand:
Players should begin the throwing motion by taking a step with the foot opposite of the throwing arm. The step should be in the direction they will be throwing. The front shoulder and hip should be positioned so that they are pointing in the direction of the throw. The front shoulder should be positioned toward the target, and the rest of the body is turned to the side. The arms should be extended from the body in a T-formation. As the arm begins the throwing motion, the elbow should be as high as the shoulder and the hand should be higher than the head. The front foot should now start forward, stepping toward the target. As the arm continues the throw, the front shoulder and hip should turn so that they face toward the target. The ball should be released above and in front of the head, snapping the wrist right before the release and pushing through with the fingers directly behind the ball. Follow through the throw by bending the back slightly forward.
Basic Catching Technique
To coach catching, follow these steps:
Keep arms bent and relaxed, and provide a target for the thrower. Hold the glove open toward the thrower, keeping the fingers up. If the ball is thrown low, switch to position the fingers down. Use the bare hand to cover the ball once it is caught in the glove. After the catch, bring the glove, ball, and throwing hand up to the chest and prepare to throw.
And if you'd like to see more free kids baseball drills and coaching tips, go here to watch a free video: http://www.baseball-tutorials.com Kenny Buford is a kids baseball coach, and the owner and publisher of Baseball-Tutorials.com, the web's #1 resource for kids baseball drills, practice ideas, and coaching tips.
Little League Baseball Tryouts And The Draft By guest author: Marty Schupak
In most youth baseball leagues, autumn is the time of year that baseball leagues have registration and also assign players to teams. Tryouts and the player draft are always one of the most interesting times of the year. Some managers try to gain an advantage during this time. There is always a scramble to secure assistant coaches. Parents who have experienced the process, know that some managers will pick an assistant not according to the assistant's ability to coach, but by the ability of his talented child. Another technique done which is highly unsportsmanlike is for the manager to discretely suggest to a player to "dog it " during the tryouts so that manager can get a player of first round ability in the later rounds of the draft.
There is very little a league can do about a manager picking an assistant to secure a spot on the team for his child. Drafting the actual teams can be done in a fair manner. A fair process is for the league managers and league director to pick each team with similar ability and throw them into a hat. For instance, a league will have eight teams consisting of twelve players. Assuming each team has a manager and coach and their two kids, all the managers and coaches will sit in a room and rate the players and assign ten players to teams one through eight. Once it is agreed that the eight teams of ten are pretty much equal, throw the teams into a hat and each manager will pick a team. The league will have more parity with this system and this will limit some of the complaints. One word of advice when using this technique is to make sure enough pitchers are part of the ten players on each team.
The success of a league begins in the autumn. There have been seasons where some teams do not win a single game. The team assignment process can make for a better year for each player individually, as a team and as a league. A league that has parity will make for a better season and in fact will help that league in All Stars with each player experiencing a competitive season with some excellent close games. It is up to the league President and league director to make every effort to make sure each team is fairly equal in ability and take away any advantage that some managers try to gain.
Marty Schupak has coached youth baseball for 18 years and is the video creator of "The 59 Minute Baseball Practice", "Backyard Baseball Drills","Winning Baseball Strategies","Hitting Drills & Techniques" and author of the popular book, "Youth Baseball Drills". He is also President of the Youth Sports Club, a group dedicated to making sports practices and games more enjoyable for kids.
Uncommon Baseball Hitting Drills By guest author: Jeffery A Wise
Baseball hitting drills are a necessary part of practice. Players run these drills to improve their skills and get them ready for batting practice and games. There are some common hitting drills, but we're going to talk about one that is not so common. Nonetheless, it is important and should be practiced more often.
The modified broomstick drill is very helpful. You need a broom handle that is cut down to the length of a bat. It will help to sand the end and add batter's tape on the end for grip. Then, ask someone to pitch plastic golf balls to you. These balls can be purchased at any sporting goods store.
The distance between you and the pitcher doesn't matter as long as they can toss you the balls easily. Start with underhand pitches. Then switch to overhand pitches so there is some appropriate velocity on the pitch which simulates a real pitch.
You can work on many different hitting mechanics for improvement, but now let's just focus on your upper body. Relax your shoulders, neck and face. If you are too tense at the plate it is much harder to have a quick, fluid swing. That's what this baseball hitting drill is for.
Also, make sure your front shoulder is lined up to the pitcher and have it closed. Sometimes ball players have an issue with leaving their shoulder open and that makes them open up and start their swing too early. This causes players to pull the ball in the form of a ground out or fly out.
During this baseball hitting drill, keep the shoulder closed and wait for the plastic golf ball to arrive in the hitting zone before taking a smooth, fluid swing. Take turns hitting 25 balls and then rotate. This drill is a lot like playing wiffle ball so have fun with it.
The purpose of this drill is to improve hand-eye coordination and mechanics. You may also want to use this drill to practice hitting harder. Whatever you do, always strive to have fun!
Jeffery A Wise invites you to learn more about baseball hitting drills so that you can hit a baseball better. Start learning today at http://www.baseballhittingtipsonline.com by reading our information, watching our videos and participating in our blog.
Baseball Power Hitting Drills - These Power Hitting Drills Are a Must For Any Baseball Player By Tyler Barton
If you are a dedicated baseball player like I am with the thirst for power hitting, you know how important a good set of power hitting drills are. The sweet feeling of entering the ball park having your teammates proud and thankful to be on your team, to step up to the plate and have the other team's coach tell the fielders to move way back...it feels great.
However, before I found the right set of power hitting drills to incorporate into my baseball training, I didn't exist in the world of batting, let alone power hitting - I sucked!
It didn't matter what power hitting drills I did..or ate. My family couldn't afford a weight system, batting gloves don't help - just a waste of money, batting tees kinda helped my level swing - useless against non-stationary baseballs, I even tried eating a plate of spaghetti before every game - a mom tip. I would either end up flailing around at the plate like I had spaghetti arms (no pun intended), or I would get a stomach ache.
I was sick of everybody's advice and almost quit - there was a nice summer reading program at the library I could volunteer at for my community service hours for school.
Believe it or not, it was physics class that gave me a new practice drill - we had a question involving baseball distance and batting speed. Obviously, went home and looked for ways to improve my bat speed. WARNING: CLICHE MOMENT. It seemed too good to be true -PowerHittingDrills.com - a site devoted to baseball power hitting drills by university coaches and scientists (don't let this discourage you, it's about baseball, so it's written for baseball players).
Given that it's tested material, and the fact I was fed up with dumb redneck batting tips and willing to try anything, Given that these baseball power hitting drills are tested power hitting drills, and the fact I was fed up with dumb redneck batting tips and willing to try anything, I went for it. Going back to the beginning of this little blurb, this was the best investment ever - better than my ps3.
By just adjusting my grip I lost spaghetti arm and could make solid contact with the ball, so I was excited about learning the real power hitting drills.
Within weeks (or within a few season games for another perspective) I had added several power hitting drills and tips to my arsenal, power hitting baseballs to the fence for triples, and even ground rule doubles. Finally, within a month....same ol' season games - I hit my first home run - 290ft. Within another week or so, I became a power hitting machine. It's quite amazing how many friends remember you when you start winning games for their team.
Tips to Get Great Teaching Aids to Practice Baseball Techniques By Connor R Sullivan
Most young people these days are involved with some sport or another, and to make them better at the game itself they often need something like baseball training aids to bring out their hidden talents. Pitching machines in particular will enable them to hone their skills up to match level and beyond. This is a good way to see if they can carry on with the sport into adulthood and may make them enthusiastic enough to keep on with it until they turn professional.
Indeed, there are so many videos and books out there that show the budding player how to work and improve his skills that it is sometimes hard to know which ones are the best. But people often prefer to have those which are backed by the expert players themselves. These first quality stars of the sport will give some insight into what is needed to make the game easier to be played, and they also know how to psych up the youngster to make them perform better as well.
Imagine a young person looking at his hero on video and having a one on one lesson from this great player. Who could fail to get enthusiastic about the game when all these pointers are being taught so that anyone can improve his game playing tactics? Game techniques and even exercise routines are all par for the course on these videos and they can also be used in a school setting as well as at home.
Special equipment is also advised for those who want to improve their strength and speed on the court or field. Rolling equipment which stretches and strengthens the calf muscles without damaging the knees or joints is ideal. Even specialist shoes which enable the player to jump up to nine inches higher are usually recommended too and this added speed and agility surely brings about a much more confident player all round.
The throwing equipment is great since it enables the player to hone that skill down to a very fine art. It can either be set to throw curve balls, from right or left, or just the same shot over and over until the player is confident that he can handle the ball correctly. Because the machine can be altered at will, this equipment can even be used for children. Since the ball often leaves this machine at about ninety miles per hour, this is a must for any parent who does not want their child to be injured of course.
Of course, the great thing about all this equipment is that it can be used both at home, and in a school or club setting. Because the price has come down so much, even families can afford to put them in the yard for all the family to enjoy and practice their skills.
This works particularly well at family gatherings where the girls can play the boys or moms and dads can have a go too. If the game is introduced in a fun setting then children will certainly form a life long interest for sure.
Connor R. Sullivan owns and operates a top ranking web site to help people find pitching machines to improve their baseball skills. He offers a large selection of baseball training aids for coaches and parents to use for the athletes.
Teaching the Professional Baseball Swing Super8Hitting http://www.learnbaseballhitting.com/lcp. Teaching the professional baseball swing with easy to follow baseball hitting videos and drills. Learn to be teaching the professional baseball swing quickly.