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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

John Mallee 6 Steps of a Major League Swing Hitting Tips

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The Categories they have are: BatAction Hitting Machines, Hurricane Hitting Machines, Batting Cages, Pitching Machines, Jugs Equipment, Game and Practice Baseballs, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, Portable Pitching Mounds, Baseball DVDs & Books, Clearance Items on Sales, NEDCO Bataction Replacement Parts, Baseball Training Equipment, Youth Baseball Training Equipment, Training Bats, Pitching & Throwing Trainers, Defensive Trainers, SKLZ Hurricane Replacement Parts and Much Much More! Visit today!


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Little League Pitching Drill - Increasing Arm Strength

Shown above are two exciting new baseball products and baseball equipment for 2011.

Little League Pitching Drill - Increasing Arm Strength
By Jim Bain

Just because it's off season doesn't mean you don't train, you just train differently.

Many major colleges have instituted a program of throwing weighted baseballs in order to increase arm strength. Initial results have indicated a positive and in some cases a substantial improvement in arm strength and velocity.

A word of caution here. You only throw weighted baseballs in the off season and if you're throwing off a mound Do Not use them.

It's important to know this program is it must be implemented correctly and slowly or the findings reverse dramatically with arm injuries soaring.

Let's examine a sample routine which has been used with great success.

The player should plan on using this workout program for a duration of 2 months, definitely no longer than 3 months and that depends on other influences, such as beginning to pitch from a mound. This throwing routine should be performed no more than three times a week and should be combined in with other strength, cardio and conditioning programs.

The Player must jog or run for no less than 5 minutes, working up a good sweat, then the player should perform his stretching routine, which should be a full body stretching exercise.

Now that the player is loose he begins the 10 Minute Throwing Workout. Ten minutes may not seem long, but believe me the player will feel the results of this intense program.

This is how the routine is performed: Throw

60' for 3 minutes; 90' for 3 minutes; 120' for 3 minutes - finishing with; 60' for 1 minute. A cool down.

OR an alternative method to use is: Throw a:

6oz. Ball, 20 throws at 70'; 4oz. Ball, 20 throws at 70'; 5oz. Ball, 20 throws at 70'.

The alternating in weight, but not distance, does not negatively affect a change in pitching form or mechanics, only increases muscle strength.

It Must be stated Never Throw a Baseball Over 6 Oz.! Anything weighing more will only tear muscle down and result in a series of injuries.

Jim invites anyone interested in learning more about baseball and baseball pitching to come to his site.


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Thanks to our sponsors: - The original rotational hitting machine. - Derek Jeter Baseball Trainer - Worlds most advanced batting tee. - Joe Mauer Quick Swing Batting Trainer - Teaches the perfect swing mechanics. - Advanced Batting Tee for Advanced Hitters - Your best buy in backyard batting cages. - NEW PRODUCT! Great for all batting cages! Safe, efficient, & convenient!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Did you have a Johnny Bench Batter-Up Trainer When You Were Young?

The Johnny Bench Batter-up was one of the first serious baseball batting trainer ever. This popular rotational hitting machine was on the market in the late 70's. If you grew up hitting on one, you know the value of the rotational hitting machine. You will glad to know that there is a modern version of these opular trainer, the Derek Jeter Hurricane Machine offers the same benefits and advantages. Visit the Hurricane Machine Training Blog at for free training tips, drills and coaching articles.


Check out the Hurricane Hitting Machine: Derek Jeter Series:
Hurricane Hitting Machine - Homepage
15 Reasons To Buy a Hurricane Trainer
6 Questions Often Asked By Customers
Message to Parents From Coach Nick
Examples of Hurricane Hitting Drills
The Highly Acclaimed 20-Minute Hurricane Batting Practice Workout
Hurricane Batting Machine Video Clips
Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine

Monday, December 6, 2010

Add Power to Your Baseball Swing

By Jim_Bain

Once a player learns the basics of hitting a baseball and becomes more and more confident of his/her abilities to make contact, they seem to invariably want to start hitting home runs. A wise coach will immediately discourage this burning desire to become the next Babe Ruth, as nothing but a development of bad mechanics can result.

However, the ability to increase the power of your basic, fluid batting swing is quite desirable and achievable. Let's exam a drill which will increase the power of your swing quickly and safely.

One must consider baseball hitting in terms similar to a martial arts student, a boxer, football kicker or any other athlete who wants to increase his power. You're taught to power through your target. To envision the follow through of your fist, foot or bat, powering through the target, in this case, the baseball.

This simple, yet effective drill, is designed to increase your hitting power by actually hitting a heavy object and swinging the bat through it. Your power will increase as you progress, but perhaps more long term importance is you will train the hitting muscles and visually see (therefore your mind comprehends and believes) the success.

You'll need a partially deflated soccer ball or basketball, a hitting tee, a plumbers' plunger and a bat to execute the drill. Pay special attention to the ball as if there is too much air in it, the ball will explode off the tee offering little resistance. If there's not enough air it will simply collapse upon impact with the bat.

Slide the plumbers' plunger into the hitting tee with the plunger end up to hold the basket ball / soccer ball. Set the deflated ball into the cup of the plunger.

Using your natural batting stance and swing, hit the deflated ball off the tee. The first few strikes will seem awkward and there will be a large hesitation in your follow through swing, but that's Ok... keep swinging. The intended goal is to hit the ball off the tee without any hesitation in your swing as the bat makes contact with the ball.

As you eliminate this hesitation action your power will increase and the ball will travel farther. Additionally, you will be able to see results, positive or negative, rather quickly and you can see whether adjusting hip rotation or your strength training program is improving your power swing.

Jim Bain Has played and coached baseball for 50 years. He shares everything he knows as well as the insights and skills of the many coaches and players he used to compete against.
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Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine - Tips for Extending Your Powerbands Life