So you have your team and you have created your practice schedule. In order to run your practice efficiently you will need to have certain specific types of equipment. 1. Baseballs - one dozen baseballs. 2. Rag Balls. 3. Whiffle Balls. 4. Base Ball "T". 5. Rubber Basses (4). You may already have some of these or you can purchase them. These are items you must have! Without these you will not be able to survive Coaching Little League Baseball. The water Cooler is to take your pain relievers and for your players so they do not dehydrate.
By John R Di Nicola
So you have your team and you have created your practice schedule. In order to run your practice efficiently you will need to have certain specific types of equipment. You may already have some of these or you can purchase them. You might get lucky and and have a fellow coach who might be able to let you use what you don't have.
Equipment needed
The league will provide with helmets, catcher gear, and dozen baseballs.
Baseballs - one dozen baseballs
Rag Balls
Wiffle Balls
One Bat
Rubber Basses (4)
Pitching Rubber
Baseball T
Equipment Bag (league may give you one)
Water Cooler
Advil or Tylenol
Bases, Pitching Rubber and Baseball "T"
These are items you must have! Without these you will not be able to survive Coaching Little League Baseball. Because you have to improvise and create a practice field where ever you can find space to create a Little League Baseball field. You will need your four bases and I would suggest getting a regular home plate. I know I'm asking for a lot try and get a white home plate. Make it real as possible . You will need a Pitching Rubber so your pitcher can practice defense and have a game like setting so that when they go to the regular field there is not that much difference. In order to to be successful you have create a like image of the game when you practice. At this level (7,8,9, and 10 years old) it may be the first time some of them are playing organized baseball. The Baseball "T " is important for when you have your hitting stations. Because you have to teach so many different aspect of the game hitting stations are essential.
Baseballs, Rag Balls, and Wiffle Balls
The league will provide you with at least a dozen baseballs. Some leagues may be more generous and give you two dozen. Most of the time you will get some old practice balls and have to purchase at least a dozen. Rags balls you will use them for hitting off the "T" and doing soft toss during your hitting stations. The wiffle balls come in handy for the"T" also during your hitting stations.
Equipment Bag and Bat
You have to have an Equipment Bag. Some leagues may give you one. Even then you have the Catchers gear, Bats, and Baseball all crammed into this bag. You would be better off having a ball bag and a separate duffel bag for catchers gear. You can put your throw down base and Bats in the Equipment Bag.
Water Cooler and Advil or Tylenol
I saved these two for last. The water Cooler is to take your pain relievers and for your players so they do not dehydrate. As a Little League Coach you will definitely need the Advil and Tylenol for the Headaches you will get and for the muscle you haven't used in a few years unless you still work out on a regular basis. The head aches will be from stress of organizing your team and trying to prepare them for the season. It is a tremendous amount of work and planning. If you have been a coach you will know what I am talking about. As a new coach you will have to be organized in order to survive.
Thank you for taking the time to read my article. If you would like further information on this topic or other information you can E-Mail me at: jdinicola@easypitching.com
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_R_Di_Nicola
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Have a great day, Nick