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Little League Pitching Drill - Increasing Arm Strength By Jim Bain
Just because it's off season doesn't mean you don't train, you just train differently.
Many major colleges have instituted a program of throwing weighted baseballs in order to increase arm strength. Initial results have indicated a positive and in some cases a substantial improvement in arm strength and velocity.
A word of caution here. You only throw weighted baseballs in the off season and if you're throwing off a mound Do Not use them.
It's important to know this program is it must be implemented correctly and slowly or the findings reverse dramatically with arm injuries soaring.
Let's examine a sample routine which has been used with great success.
The player should plan on using this workout program for a duration of 2 months, definitely no longer than 3 months and that depends on other influences, such as beginning to pitch from a mound. This throwing routine should be performed no more than three times a week and should be combined in with other strength, cardio and conditioning programs.
The Player must jog or run for no less than 5 minutes, working up a good sweat, then the player should perform his stretching routine, which should be a full body stretching exercise.
Now that the player is loose he begins the 10 Minute Throwing Workout. Ten minutes may not seem long, but believe me the player will feel the results of this intense program.
This is how the routine is performed: Throw
60' for 3 minutes; 90' for 3 minutes; 120' for 3 minutes - finishing with; 60' for 1 minute. A cool down.
OR an alternative method to use is: Throw a:
6oz. Ball, 20 throws at 70'; 4oz. Ball, 20 throws at 70'; 5oz. Ball, 20 throws at 70'.
The alternating in weight, but not distance, does not negatively affect a change in pitching form or mechanics, only increases muscle strength.
It Must be stated Never Throw a Baseball Over 6 Oz.! Anything weighing more will only tear muscle down and result in a series of injuries.
Jim invites anyone interested in learning more about baseball and baseball pitching to come to his site.
The Johnny Bench Batter-up was one of the first serious baseball batting trainer ever. This popular rotational hitting machine was on the market in the late 70's. If you grew up hitting on one, you know the value of the rotational hitting machine. You will glad to know that there is a modern version of these opular trainer, the Derek Jeter Hurricane Machine offers the same benefits and advantages. http://store.baseball2u.com/husotrmajese.html... Visit the Hurricane Machine Training Blog at http://hurricanebaseballtrainingmachine.blogspot.com/... for free training tips, drills and coaching articles.
Once a player learns the basics of hitting a baseball and becomes more and more confident of his/her abilities to make contact, they seem to invariably want to start hitting home runs. A wise coach will immediately discourage this burning desire to become the next Babe Ruth, as nothing but a development of bad mechanics can result.
However, the ability to increase the power of your basic, fluid batting swing is quite desirable and achievable. Let's exam a drill which will increase the power of your swing quickly and safely.
One must consider baseball hitting in terms similar to a martial arts student, a boxer, football kicker or any other athlete who wants to increase his power. You're taught to power through your target. To envision the follow through of your fist, foot or bat, powering through the target, in this case, the baseball.
This simple, yet effective drill, is designed to increase your hitting power by actually hitting a heavy object and swinging the bat through it. Your power will increase as you progress, but perhaps more long term importance is you will train the hitting muscles and visually see (therefore your mind comprehends and believes) the success.
You'll need a partially deflated soccer ball or basketball, a hitting tee, a plumbers' plunger and a bat to execute the drill. Pay special attention to the ball as if there is too much air in it, the ball will explode off the tee offering little resistance. If there's not enough air it will simply collapse upon impact with the bat.
Slide the plumbers' plunger into the hitting tee with the plunger end up to hold the basket ball / soccer ball. Set the deflated ball into the cup of the plunger.
Using your natural batting stance and swing, hit the deflated ball off the tee. The first few strikes will seem awkward and there will be a large hesitation in your follow through swing, but that's Ok... keep swinging. The intended goal is to hit the ball off the tee without any hesitation in your swing as the bat makes contact with the ball.
As you eliminate this hesitation action your power will increase and the ball will travel farther. Additionally, you will be able to see results, positive or negative, rather quickly and you can see whether adjusting hip rotation or your strength training program is improving your power swing.
Jim Bain Has played and coached baseball for 50 years. He shares everything he knows as well as the insights and skills of the many coaches and players he used to compete against.
Kids Baseball - Coach the Fundamentals of Throwing and Catching By Kenny Buford
When coaching kids' baseball, an important first step is identifying the mechanical elements of each skill and then using that knowledge to teach the fundamentals of the game. Most beginning players will not know the proper technique for gripping, throwing, and catching the ball. Establishing these skills early will ensure players feel more confident and have fun playing the game.
Proper Grip
Start by teaching how to grip the ball:
For proper grip, the ball should only contact the fingers and thumb, not the palm of the hand. However, because beginning players' hands are often small, they might have to use their whole hand in the grip. Players should grip the ball across the seams, with their fingers spread over the top of the ball and their thumb positioned on the bottom. Those with big enough hands should use only the index and middle fingers, while those with smaller hands can use three fingers to grip the ball across the top. As the grip is released, players should focus on keeping the fingers directly behind the ball. Following through with the fingers after the throw will increase the velocity of the ball.
Throwing Fundamentals
Next, coach proper throwing technique for a basic overhand:
Players should begin the throwing motion by taking a step with the foot opposite of the throwing arm. The step should be in the direction they will be throwing. The front shoulder and hip should be positioned so that they are pointing in the direction of the throw. The front shoulder should be positioned toward the target, and the rest of the body is turned to the side. The arms should be extended from the body in a T-formation. As the arm begins the throwing motion, the elbow should be as high as the shoulder and the hand should be higher than the head. The front foot should now start forward, stepping toward the target. As the arm continues the throw, the front shoulder and hip should turn so that they face toward the target. The ball should be released above and in front of the head, snapping the wrist right before the release and pushing through with the fingers directly behind the ball. Follow through the throw by bending the back slightly forward.
Basic Catching Technique
To coach catching, follow these steps:
Keep arms bent and relaxed, and provide a target for the thrower. Hold the glove open toward the thrower, keeping the fingers up. If the ball is thrown low, switch to position the fingers down. Use the bare hand to cover the ball once it is caught in the glove. After the catch, bring the glove, ball, and throwing hand up to the chest and prepare to throw.
And if you'd like to see more free kids baseball drills and coaching tips, go here to watch a free video: http://www.baseball-tutorials.com Kenny Buford is a kids baseball coach, and the owner and publisher of Baseball-Tutorials.com, the web's #1 resource for kids baseball drills, practice ideas, and coaching tips.
Little League Baseball Tryouts And The Draft By guest author: Marty Schupak
In most youth baseball leagues, autumn is the time of year that baseball leagues have registration and also assign players to teams. Tryouts and the player draft are always one of the most interesting times of the year. Some managers try to gain an advantage during this time. There is always a scramble to secure assistant coaches. Parents who have experienced the process, know that some managers will pick an assistant not according to the assistant's ability to coach, but by the ability of his talented child. Another technique done which is highly unsportsmanlike is for the manager to discretely suggest to a player to "dog it " during the tryouts so that manager can get a player of first round ability in the later rounds of the draft.
There is very little a league can do about a manager picking an assistant to secure a spot on the team for his child. Drafting the actual teams can be done in a fair manner. A fair process is for the league managers and league director to pick each team with similar ability and throw them into a hat. For instance, a league will have eight teams consisting of twelve players. Assuming each team has a manager and coach and their two kids, all the managers and coaches will sit in a room and rate the players and assign ten players to teams one through eight. Once it is agreed that the eight teams of ten are pretty much equal, throw the teams into a hat and each manager will pick a team. The league will have more parity with this system and this will limit some of the complaints. One word of advice when using this technique is to make sure enough pitchers are part of the ten players on each team.
The success of a league begins in the autumn. There have been seasons where some teams do not win a single game. The team assignment process can make for a better year for each player individually, as a team and as a league. A league that has parity will make for a better season and in fact will help that league in All Stars with each player experiencing a competitive season with some excellent close games. It is up to the league President and league director to make every effort to make sure each team is fairly equal in ability and take away any advantage that some managers try to gain.
Marty Schupak has coached youth baseball for 18 years and is the video creator of "The 59 Minute Baseball Practice", "Backyard Baseball Drills","Winning Baseball Strategies","Hitting Drills & Techniques" and author of the popular book, "Youth Baseball Drills". He is also President of the Youth Sports Club, a group dedicated to making sports practices and games more enjoyable for kids.
Uncommon Baseball Hitting Drills By guest author: Jeffery A Wise
Baseball hitting drills are a necessary part of practice. Players run these drills to improve their skills and get them ready for batting practice and games. There are some common hitting drills, but we're going to talk about one that is not so common. Nonetheless, it is important and should be practiced more often.
The modified broomstick drill is very helpful. You need a broom handle that is cut down to the length of a bat. It will help to sand the end and add batter's tape on the end for grip. Then, ask someone to pitch plastic golf balls to you. These balls can be purchased at any sporting goods store.
The distance between you and the pitcher doesn't matter as long as they can toss you the balls easily. Start with underhand pitches. Then switch to overhand pitches so there is some appropriate velocity on the pitch which simulates a real pitch.
You can work on many different hitting mechanics for improvement, but now let's just focus on your upper body. Relax your shoulders, neck and face. If you are too tense at the plate it is much harder to have a quick, fluid swing. That's what this baseball hitting drill is for.
Also, make sure your front shoulder is lined up to the pitcher and have it closed. Sometimes ball players have an issue with leaving their shoulder open and that makes them open up and start their swing too early. This causes players to pull the ball in the form of a ground out or fly out.
During this baseball hitting drill, keep the shoulder closed and wait for the plastic golf ball to arrive in the hitting zone before taking a smooth, fluid swing. Take turns hitting 25 balls and then rotate. This drill is a lot like playing wiffle ball so have fun with it.
The purpose of this drill is to improve hand-eye coordination and mechanics. You may also want to use this drill to practice hitting harder. Whatever you do, always strive to have fun!
Jeffery A Wise invites you to learn more about baseball hitting drills so that you can hit a baseball better. Start learning today at http://www.baseballhittingtipsonline.com by reading our information, watching our videos and participating in our blog.
Baseball Power Hitting Drills - These Power Hitting Drills Are a Must For Any Baseball Player By Tyler Barton
If you are a dedicated baseball player like I am with the thirst for power hitting, you know how important a good set of power hitting drills are. The sweet feeling of entering the ball park having your teammates proud and thankful to be on your team, to step up to the plate and have the other team's coach tell the fielders to move way back...it feels great.
However, before I found the right set of power hitting drills to incorporate into my baseball training, I didn't exist in the world of batting, let alone power hitting - I sucked!
It didn't matter what power hitting drills I did..or ate. My family couldn't afford a weight system, batting gloves don't help - just a waste of money, batting tees kinda helped my level swing - useless against non-stationary baseballs, I even tried eating a plate of spaghetti before every game - a mom tip. I would either end up flailing around at the plate like I had spaghetti arms (no pun intended), or I would get a stomach ache.
I was sick of everybody's advice and almost quit - there was a nice summer reading program at the library I could volunteer at for my community service hours for school.
Believe it or not, it was physics class that gave me a new practice drill - we had a question involving baseball distance and batting speed. Obviously, went home and looked for ways to improve my bat speed. WARNING: CLICHE MOMENT. It seemed too good to be true -PowerHittingDrills.com - a site devoted to baseball power hitting drills by university coaches and scientists (don't let this discourage you, it's about baseball, so it's written for baseball players).
Given that it's tested material, and the fact I was fed up with dumb redneck batting tips and willing to try anything, Given that these baseball power hitting drills are tested power hitting drills, and the fact I was fed up with dumb redneck batting tips and willing to try anything, I went for it. Going back to the beginning of this little blurb, this was the best investment ever - better than my ps3.
By just adjusting my grip I lost spaghetti arm and could make solid contact with the ball, so I was excited about learning the real power hitting drills.
Within weeks (or within a few season games for another perspective) I had added several power hitting drills and tips to my arsenal, power hitting baseballs to the fence for triples, and even ground rule doubles. Finally, within a month....same ol' season games - I hit my first home run - 290ft. Within another week or so, I became a power hitting machine. It's quite amazing how many friends remember you when you start winning games for their team.
Tips to Get Great Teaching Aids to Practice Baseball Techniques By Connor R Sullivan
Most young people these days are involved with some sport or another, and to make them better at the game itself they often need something like baseball training aids to bring out their hidden talents. Pitching machines in particular will enable them to hone their skills up to match level and beyond. This is a good way to see if they can carry on with the sport into adulthood and may make them enthusiastic enough to keep on with it until they turn professional.
Indeed, there are so many videos and books out there that show the budding player how to work and improve his skills that it is sometimes hard to know which ones are the best. But people often prefer to have those which are backed by the expert players themselves. These first quality stars of the sport will give some insight into what is needed to make the game easier to be played, and they also know how to psych up the youngster to make them perform better as well.
Imagine a young person looking at his hero on video and having a one on one lesson from this great player. Who could fail to get enthusiastic about the game when all these pointers are being taught so that anyone can improve his game playing tactics? Game techniques and even exercise routines are all par for the course on these videos and they can also be used in a school setting as well as at home.
Special equipment is also advised for those who want to improve their strength and speed on the court or field. Rolling equipment which stretches and strengthens the calf muscles without damaging the knees or joints is ideal. Even specialist shoes which enable the player to jump up to nine inches higher are usually recommended too and this added speed and agility surely brings about a much more confident player all round.
The throwing equipment is great since it enables the player to hone that skill down to a very fine art. It can either be set to throw curve balls, from right or left, or just the same shot over and over until the player is confident that he can handle the ball correctly. Because the machine can be altered at will, this equipment can even be used for children. Since the ball often leaves this machine at about ninety miles per hour, this is a must for any parent who does not want their child to be injured of course.
Of course, the great thing about all this equipment is that it can be used both at home, and in a school or club setting. Because the price has come down so much, even families can afford to put them in the yard for all the family to enjoy and practice their skills.
This works particularly well at family gatherings where the girls can play the boys or moms and dads can have a go too. If the game is introduced in a fun setting then children will certainly form a life long interest for sure.
Connor R. Sullivan owns and operates a top ranking web site to help people find pitching machines to improve their baseball skills. He offers a large selection of baseball training aids for coaches and parents to use for the athletes.
Teaching the Professional Baseball Swing Super8Hitting http://www.learnbaseballhitting.com/lcp. Teaching the professional baseball swing with easy to follow baseball hitting videos and drills. Learn to be teaching the professional baseball swing quickly.
This year there was a story about a prep baseball player who is a great example for others to learn how to hit a baseball. Ethan Bennett plays for a high school in Knoxville, TN called Farragut. He amazed fans and spectators with a state record 27 home runs and 73 RBIs.
In addition, Bennett made a national record by hitting a home run in 10 consecutive games. He also has won three state championships in a row. It's not surprising that he's signed with the University of Tennessee next year.
It's extremely difficult for a high school student to have numbers like this. Seasons in high school are pretty short. They play less than a third of the games Major Leaguers do. Needless to say, it's not common to find a player like Bennett.
If you were to talk to Bennett, he would most likely tell you how hard he practiced to be a successful hitter. Let his story encourage you. With a lot of practice and hard work, you could have great numbers too.
You may have a desire to hit as many home runs as Bennett did in a season, but please remember that home runs aren't the most important when it comes to hitting. Every team needs all types of hitters including power hitters, those who move runners over, those who are fast, those who hit for average and those who bunt well. Don't be discouraged if you're not the power hitter. Your team still needs you.
You may already know what type of hitter you are. Ask your coach how you can be even better at what you're good at. Practice hard and be committed to being your best!
Jeffery A Wise invites you to learn the proven system of how to hit a baseball so that you can help your team win. Start learning today by visiting our baseball hitting blog, reading our information and watching our videos.
Coaching Baseball : How to Measure Glove Size expertvillage To determine a baseball glove size, measure the base of the mitt to the outside edge of the glove. Learn more about measuring baseball gloves with tips from a baseball coach in this free video about playing baseball.
Expert: Mike Nolan Bio: Mike Nolan works as a strength coach and baseball instructor for Coastal Athletics in Wilmington, North Carolina. Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC
Baseball Drills - Outfield Drills for Game Day Skills By guest author: Kenny Buford
There is more to developing outfield skills than just playing catch. Outfielders need baseball drills that will prepare them for conditions they will face on game day. The following outfield drills help players become comfortable with any situation they might encounter during a game.
Sun Drill
For this drill, the players line up facing the sun and take turns catching fly balls from the coach. The players can wear sun glasses, but often the glare is still too much. Outfielders need to get used to using their gloves to block the sun while watching for the ball. Over time, the players will develop an approach for using the glove to see while also preparing for the catch and will feel confident in the outfield on sunny game days.
Fence Drill
This outfield drill teaches players how to correctly go for a catch against the fence. A lot of factors will come into play in this type of situation during a game, like where the ball is, how hard it is hit, and its elevation as it approaches the fence. However, with practice outfielders can become more comfortable going for the fence.
In this drill, the outfielders should start 10 to 15 feet away from the fence. One at a time, the coach throws high fly balls either above or against the fence. The outfielder takes his ready steps and rushes to the fence, keeping his eyes on the ball and his throwing hand outstretched to guide him and protect him from running into the fence. The player then makes the catch, jumping in front of or leaning against the fence.
Line Drive Drill
Line players up in the outfield and have them take turns running the drill. The first outfielder takes his ready step as the coach throws a line drive toward his knees. The player runs directly at the coach, keeping his palms up and his glove in basket form. When he catches the ball, the player shoots his glove up in the air to show the umpire he got it.
Backup Drill
This drill emphasizes communication in the outfield and prepares players to back each other up on fly balls.
For this drill, the players form two lines in the outfield, about 90 feet apart. The coach hits or throws a fly ball between the first two players in each line. The players have to communicate who is going for the catch, making sure not to run into each other while still watching the ball. The player going for the catch should yell "got it" and the other player should respond "take it." The second player should still back up the first player in case the ball gets through.
And if you'd like to see more free baseball drills and coaching tips, go here to watch a free video:
Kenny Buford is a youth baseball coach, and the owner and publisher of Baseball-Tutorials.com, the web's #1 resource for baseball drills, tips, and practice ideas for youth and high school coaches.
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Hitting a baseball is one of the hardest things to do in sports. It takes time and a lot of practice to hit one just right. There are seven key steps to hitting a baseball that I have used and should be used to hitting a baseball properly.
Picking out the bat is a key step in hitting a baseball. You shouldn't pick out a bat that is too heavy or too long for yourself. For a beginner the lighter the bat the better it is to practice and learn. As you begin to learn how to hit a baseball you can pick out a bat that is more comfortable for you to use. One way of doing this is holding the bat straight out. If you can hold the bat straight out without it bending the bat it is perfect for you.
Your stance is a crucial part of your swing. You must have an athletic stance that is comfortable for you. Stances can vary in many different ways, upright, crouched, open, and closed stances, are main areas that stances can be used. Pick one and if you are comfortable with the stance continue using it. Your position is the batter's box also helps with your stance. You can stand anywhere you want inside the box but you don't want a too wide of a stance because you will not get enough power out of your swing.
The grip you have on the handle of the bat is the second key step to your swing. You should have a firm grip on the bat but not too tight. If you are right-handed, your right hand is on top and your left hand is on the bottom, vice versa for lefties. You don't want to be choking the handle because that tenses up your muscles. You should be able to move the bat in a circular motion in your hands to know that your grip is good.
After stepping into the batter's box you should be focusing on the pitcher. Both of your eyes should be following the ball the whole time. If you are following the ball perfectly you should know what type of pitch it is and where the location will be right out of the pitchers hand.
Your stride is the last step in your swing. The stride triggers your whole body. It creates a wave of energy from your legs all the way up to your arms and shoulders. Your stride shouldn't be any longer than a foot. Once your foot touches down your arms are ready to follow through.
The key to hitting a baseball is a level swing. Always try to keep the barrel of the bat level with the path of the baseball. This way you have a less margin of error. If your bat is level you can still get a hit majority of the time. You can slightly be below or above the ball and still be able to get a hit.
After connecting with the ball you must follow through. Don't stop when you hit the ball, continue through the ball. If you stop your swing you lose all the power that you have created before. After you swing your bat should be able to touch the back of your shoulder.
In conclusion, hitting a baseball isn't easy but with these seven key steps it should help you. By using these steps won't help you in one day; it takes a lot of time and effort to perfect a baseball swing and how to hit a baseball.
The Benefits of Sending Your Child to Summer Camp By guest author: Julie Pitts
When summer starts and the kids are home it can be difficult to keep them entertained. You want them to continue to have the social interactions, the learning experiences, and the fun that they experience while in school. But, it can be tough to keep this up, especially if you work full time. A smart answer is to send your children to camp.
There are plenty of benefits that come from sending your child to camp. For one, you will get them out of the house, away from the TV and video games, away from nagging each other and becoming bored. They will be able to play out some of their energy with exercise and activities. And, they will have time outside in the fresh air and sunshine.
Sending your child to summer camp will also add social interaction into their lives. If they are going to a camp with classmates they will be able to keep contact throughout the summer so that they don't lose touch during the break from school. Plus, they will have the opportunity to meet children that might not be from their school or area. This gives them a diverse social circle to play, learn, and talk with. Camp creates an atmosphere where your child can meet new people and build lasting friendships.
Another benefit of summer camp is that your child will be put into a new environment. They will gain independence and experience new things. They can use the knowledge they obtained throughout the school year and apply it to their camp activities. It will be a fun and exciting way for your child to continuously learn and grow throughout the summer.
As for what camp to choose, there are summer camps designed to meet any child's interest. They can be general and offer a variety of activities like arts and crafts, games, theater, and outdoor fun. Or, the camp can be specific to a certain sport like gymnastic camp or baseball camp, or to a specific activity like kids fitness camps. Depending on the age of your son or daughter you might consider a sleep away camp. This will give them the added experience of caring for themselves during the period they are away. For younger children, most areas offer plenty of half or full day camp options. These would keep them on a similar schedule as the school year.
When deciding on which camp to choose, it is good to take into consideration your child's age, likes or dislikes, and expectations. Although a little persuasion might be necessary, you do not want to force your child into a camp that does not fit them. Include your child in the selection process. Make it an exciting time and you and your child will be sure to benefit from your collective decision. Summer camps will not only keep your children entertained, they will also create lasting memories and life-long friendships!
Gym Carolina offers great summer camp options for your child. We are a gymnastic facility serving the Triangle Area of North Carolina. Our goal is to teach gymnastics in a fun and safe environment, where children can build self-esteem while learning. Check out our website for track out camp information.
Pick Off Move For A Lefty ISGvids107 There are many steps a pitcher needs to follow when throwing over to first base. This video will lay out the steps necessary and guide you in the right direction. This does take years of practice so do not become frustrated and keep working at your fundamentals. For more videos like this go to http://www.isportsgallery.net/
4 Baseball Pitching Drills For Little League Players By guest author: Nick Dixon
Teaching, training and developing young baseball pitchers takes a lot of time, patience, and practice repetition. Many young pitchers need to practice pitching skills daily. To keep the interest level high, it is best to use a variety of drills on alternate days to prevent boredom. Here are 4 baseball pitching drills that can be used to train youth and beginner pitchers.
Drill #1 - Up & Out Foot Drill Objective - To help pitchers perfect the proper back leg action. The purpose of this drill is to stop foot drag and prevent over striding.
Equipment Needed - A brick, block or wood or other suitable object. The object will be placed at a location just in front of the pivot foot of the pitcher. The pitcher will be working out of the stretch. The pitcher should be reminded to roll and pick his back foot up so that it clears the object.
Procedure - The pitcher throws using his normal motion and delivery. If the pitcher fails to clear the object, then his back foot is "dragging" or he is over striding. Young pitchers should be coached to step out of the "hold" and up and over the block.
Drill #2 - Dot Spot Drill Objective - The purpose of this drill is to build confidence, to teach young pitchers to hit their spots and to teach young pitchers to have great control.
Equipment Needed - Good balls, Catching equipment, and glove.
Procedure - The catcher has 4 dots on his gear. The 4 dots or spots are different colors or they each have a number on them. The dots are taped to each knee on the shin guards and one to the left shoulder and right shoulder. The catcher or coach calls a color or a number. The pitcher must hit the dot called. The pitcher has 6 pitches to hit all 4 of the dots. All dots should be called in different orders each time. If the pitcher fails to hit 4 dots correctly, the pitcher must do 10 push ups. Two pitchers can compete to see which finishes first. The dots may be placed lower on the catcher to stress keeping the ball low or down in the zone.
Drill #3 Long Toss - Power Building Drill - Pitchers should long toss several times a week to build strength and endurance. The two players should warm-up as usual and then move back a few steps after each 4 throws. Pitchers should be able to increase their strength and extend their distances within weeks. Pitchers of all ages should work out to a distance at least 3 times their normal pitching distance. Some coaches allow players to "crow hop" at the farthest distances. That is up to you.
Drill #4 - Front Side Drill Objective - This drill is used to teach and reinforce the proper front shoulder action during delivery.
The drill is performed as the pitcher kneels on the pivot-leg knee. The pitcher will begin the drill with the throwing arm in the "T -position" and the stride foot aimed at the plate. The pitcher begins the throwing motion by pulling and tucking his front arm and glove. At the same time he is bringing his throwing arm and shoulder around and toward the plate. The drill should be performed many times to give the pitcher the feel of proper mechanics and front shoulder movement. The front elbow should be used as the guide for the front side. The glove should be extended out and tucked as the pitcher rolls his lead shoulder and pulls it in. This deceptive move is used to distract and deceive batters. The drill should be finished with the throwing arm in proper finish position outside the stride leg knee.
Check out the Bat Action Hitting Machine baseball pitching simulator. This high speed training machine is 100% Guaranteed to raise Batting Averages and has a full year warranty.
Visit the Baseball Coaching Digest Blog for daily post and articles on every aspect of coaching baseball. The Baseball Coaching Digest Blog.
Baseball Bat Sizing - How to Choose a Ball Bat By guest author: Ben Theismann
Baseball Bat Sizing is an inexact science with many different variables including body types, size, height, personal preference, and skill set. Buying the correct ball bat can have a big impact on batting average and power numbers over the course of a season whether you are in little league, high school, or college.
Bats are made from many different materials including aluminum, graphite/titanium, and wood. Each of these materials breaks down into various other materials such as different types of wood used to make wood bats. They also bring unique characteristics and advantages to help improve your game.
Aluminum bats is the lightest of the three materials helping you increase bat speed and accuracy. Aluminum bats drive the ball farther than the other two materials. These bats come in double or single layer versions that can offer more durability and power.
Wood bats can be made from maple, oak, and other strong trees. They bring the familiar crack of the bat and are required use in lots of league styles. Long, wide grain wood is the best selection. While wood bats tend to crack or break, the price point is lower and they provide a true sense of skill since hitting is not enhanced.
To find the bat size that fits you best, you should review this chart:
5-7 yrs: 24"-26"
8-9 yrs: 26"-28"
10 yrs: 28"-29"
11-12 yrs: 30"-31"
13-14 yrs: 31"-32"
15-16 yrs: 32"-33"
17+ yrs: 34"
While it is not set in stone, the baseball bat sizing chart helps give you a good idea where to start when selecting a bat. Obviously body type and size will also determine if you should go up in size or down.
Choosing weight comes down to your strength and your hitting style. Average hitters normally choose a lighter weight bat to gain more control while power hitters tend to use heavier bats.
The basic baseball bat sizing information should help you select the best baseball bat for your needs.
Ben Theismann is a freelance writer with an expertise in health, sports, and fitness related topics. Ben currently produces articles, press releases, product copywriting, and other writing assignments for numerous internet companies.
Baseball Rampage is a leading retailer of baseball equipment by Easton, Reebok, Nike, and more. Review and rate baseball gear, follow us on Twitter, or be a fan on Facebook. Baseball Rampage recommends trying a wood baseball bat in competition to feel the true baseball experience. Visit Baseball Rampage to find low prices on baseball bats, gloves, catchers equipment, and more.
Baseball Glove Repair By guest author: Chico Reese
Baseball glove repair would really not be a concern around this time of year if players and/or parents would just perform a little bit of "routine maintenance" on their baseball gloves right after the playing season is over and then maybe a little bit more right before the beginning of the next season. But this doesn't seem to happen that much from what I can tell.
So here we are...another High School Baseball and College Baseball season. I've already gotten a couple of baseball gloves in the last month or so that have broken. And it's the same thing...very, very dry leather and laces. The laces on one of these baseball gloves were so dry, hard and brittle that they didn't even feel like leather. The laces were so stiff that it was actually a little tough pulling these laces out of some parts of the glove.
The condition of your baseball glove during and after a season will somewhat depend on where you live in the country. In the southeast and southwest you probably aren't going to see a lot of snow, ice and mud. Your glove may face very strong sun and heat, though.
The baseball gloves that I have just repaired were used in the northeast part of the country which can be terrible for leather. The leather can see snow and freezing temperatures. The baseball gloves will definitely get wet and muddy. This mud and water gets ground in sometimes day after day. This water eventually strips the leather of its original oils, softness and color. Then, summer comes. The sun beats down on the glove and dries it up even more. The laces become stiff, weak and brittle. They eventually break. Sometimes parts of the glove, like the eyelets and leather holes, rip. This even happens on the good, expensive gloves that are not cared for.
All of these things can mostly be avoided. Simply try to implement some of the following tips:
Clean off your baseball glove during the season when it needs it. Just a warm, damp cloth will do. Don't soak the glove. You're just trying to get some of the dirt off. During the season, if the glove has seen a lot of water and then a lot of sun, you should rub in a little bit of conditioner (not any kind of oil!) and let it soak in. This will restore some of the leather's oils, softness and color. Most importantly, give your glove a good cleaning and conditioning after your season is over. Wipe off all of the dirt and then after the glove dries rub a good coat of conditioner into the glove. Sometimes you may have to do this two or three times if the glove soaks up all of the conditioner right away. Wipe off any excess conditioner. Your restored glove will look and feel new during the off-season. Tighten up loose laces and definitely repair broken laces or laces that you have a good feeling will break the next season. Do it now while you have the time. And then, right before the beginning of your next season, inspect your glove again, tighten things up if necessary, put a light coat of conditioner on. There you are! Almost a new glove again.
Believe me, these simple baseball glove repair and restore tips work. I have taken care of a catcher's mitt for three years now...and yes, it's up in the northeast where a catcher's mitt takes water and mud in great amounts in some games. But this glove, after three years, feels great and looks great. The laces and leather show no signs of weakness. This is all because I religiously follow the tips above.
The kid who's glove I fixed the other day...the real dry one, says his glove looks and feels new again. He actually likes the all-black laces better than the original gray ones too. I hope he takes care of it now. But I bet I see it again someday.
And I bet I'll repair a good number of gloves starting around now. These are all of the gloves from last season that were just thrown in garages or basements with no after-season conditioning or tightening or repairing of laces.
So that's where I'll come in...again. Baseball glove repair and restore. I do it all of the time and never once have I advertised this. It all started with one glove, as a favor, and word got out. That was about six years ago and I'm still repairing gloves today.
So try to keep in mind some of these baseball glove repair and restore tips. Your glove will always be in great shape and you'll prevent those unexpected breaks during a game...and there will be no "down time" of your favorite glove.
Do your own Baseball Glove Repairs. Learn how to repair, relace and restore your own baseball glove with "Fix That Glove". Save yourself time and money.
Baseball Glove Repair
Chico Reese has been closely involved in youth baseball, softball and High School Baseball over the last twelve years. He also is known as "The Doctor" for his quick baseball glove repairs and restorations for many kids and adults throughout the summer.
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Common Baseball Injuries - How to Avoid Them By guest author: Mike Pirolo
Is the Overuse of Young Arms the real culprit in the Stephen Strasburg Story?
These thoughts are less about Steven Strasburg, (my prayers go out to him and his family for a speedy recovery from Tommy John surgery) and more about the overuse and abuse of young arms starting in Little League and beyond.
While Nat officials believe that the injury to Strasburg is "Acute" (brief and severe), as opposed to chronic, I cannot help to think about the overuse and yes, abuse of young arms I have observed over the last 15 years as a youth coach and former D1 Athletic Administrator.
In a culture that is obsessed with winning at all levels, and at all costs regardless of the consequences, too many coaches lose focus on what the stated objectives are of youth sports. Below is an excerpt from the NYSCA Code of Ethics for Youth Coaches:
NYSCA Coaches' Code of Ethics I hereby pledge to follow this Coaches' Code of Ethics. I will place the emotional and physical well being of my players ahead of a personal desire to win. I will treat each player as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical development for the same age group. I will do my best to provide a safe playing situation for my players. I will use those coaching techniques appropriate for each of the skills that I teach. I will remember that I am a youth sports coach, and that the game is for children and not adults.
An incredibly important and specific code of ethics. However, too many times I have seen a coach's personal desire to win now override good judgment, to the point where they violate the stated playing time rules, leaving their best players in the game; I can't even count the times where I have seen coaches leave 11 year old pitchers in the game way beyond the recommended pitch counts. I've seen kids pushed to the point of tears from the pain in their arms.
This is where I believe the arm problems have their genesis. If a young player shows any promise as a pitcher in Little League, they are immediately tagged as the "ace" of the squad and subjected to egregious overuse. While the problem can at least be monitored in Rec ball, the travel team concept pushes pitch counts and innings to the limits of sanity. Most of the recent studies in this area point to pitch count and lack of recovery time as the main culprits. Ironically, these are two areas of management that can be controlled if the coach has the will.
In their recent article "Prevention of Overuse Injuries in Young Baseball Pitchers", Eric D. Parks, MD* and Tracy R. Ray, MD state:
"With millions of young athletes participating in competitive baseball annually, it is essential that physicians, coaches, parents, and the athletes themselves become aware of potential overuse injuries. Monitoring for the signs or symptoms of common overuse injuries may prompt diagnosis and prevent further deterioration and injury.
Abiding by recommendations proposed from the various organizations and research institutes will help decrease the incidence of these injuries. With these measures, the young thrower can continue to participate and compete at the highest level possible.
The following safeguards have been recommended for preventing youth throwing injuries: -Breaking pitches should not be thrown in competition until bones have matured, as indicated by puberty. A rule of thumb is that a player should not throw breaking balls until he is shaving regularly.
-Young pitchers should develop proper mechanics and participate in year-round physical conditioning programs.
-Pitchers should not be allowed to return to the mound in a game in which they have already been removed as the pitcher. In addition, no intense pitching practice should take place after the game.
-Showcases are discouraged.
-Pitchers are discouraged from pitching in more than one league if multiple leagues overlap within a season.
-Pitchers should not compete in baseball for more than 9 months in any given year. At least 3 months of arm rest from drills or any other stressful overhead activities (quarterbacking, competitive swimming, playing softball, etc) is highly recommended.
-Specific rest periods between outings are recommended on the basis of age and quantity of pitches
Prevention of long-term chronic arm problems in young pitchers would seem to be common sense, as outlined in the Dr's Parks and Ray's research article. However, it will take a concerted effort on the part of Coaches, Parents and Administrators to halt the destruction......Is winning a 6th grade baseball game really worth an 11 year-olds arm?